Your Favorite Portal For Web Creation

Wise By Design

Your Favorite Portal For Web Creation
Creation and Redesign

Creation and Redesign

Post the creation of It was necessary to move on to the redesign in order to give the latter a new webdesign.

Web creation and design

Web creation and design

The graphic design of a website  is particularly concerned with the creation of the interface of a page with its technical details. It is the interactional architecture.

SEO and web marketing

SEO and web marketing

Using SEO and a good web marketing strategy, it is possible to improve the visibility and traffic of a website to achieve a good position on Google.

Our web experts will guide you step by step

Ask the experts for help with your web projects

Our web experts will guide you step by step!

If you want to realize a web project like, the best thing to do is to rely on a communication agency known in the field. They can help you create a website with the best tools.

For the SEO of a website, our agency hires experienced agents to implement a strategy that guarantees results for the long term. No matter what type of website you have, the assistance of an agency is the most reliable.

For the redesign or development of a web address, a web agency uses the right software and follows the standards in force.

Mobile marketing: from e-commerce to m-commerce

Mobile marketing: what are the benefits?

With mobile marketing, it is possible to send information to users via SMS and develop brand awareness. It is also a solution for observing customer behaviour and improving the services of a company.

Responsive design

Responsive design

Responsive design is an approach to web design that aims to build sites to offer a more enjoyable reading experience.

Mobile first

Mobile first

Mobile first allowed us to design it with a priority on the mobile version and to create a web design for large screens.

SEO Friendly

SEO Friendly

SEO Frienly is an English expression that characterises a site that is optimised in a natural way by its form and its contents.

Inbound Marketing: a content strategy to perfection

Understanding what Inbound Marketing is

Inbound Marketing: a content strategy to perfection

Inbound marketing is a content creation strategy that aims to attract visitors to a website and blog. The visitors will be converted into leads and then into customers through several techniques such as marketing automation and lead nurturing.

The implementation of a marketing strategy is facilitated by the integration and adoption of reporting tools. All of this guarantees a return on investment. Any site needs inbound marketing.

How to successfully personalise the customer experience

How to successfully personalise the customer experience?

Conducting surveys and monitoring comments on social networks.

How to identify high potential queries

How to identify high potential queries?

Use the right tools to find high potential keywords.

Social media, what is the social selling index

Social media: what is the social selling index?

A measurement tool for salespeople to determine their score.

Follow the trends in digital marketing

The new digital trends!

Digital marketing is essential for the development of a website. What are the most popular trends and methods today? And, what are the right strategies for the new decade?

Trends in storytelling

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Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi. Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu.

Trends in storytelling

The concept of livetelling

Marketing techniques

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Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi. Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu.

Marketing techniques

The world of the brand

Instagram Influencers

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Instagram Influencers

Facebook Influencers